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Operation Subordination addon

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you would need SUCH a powerful computer to increase the islands size 6 times.

Its is definitely rubbish.

I hate it so much when people do stuff like that, it really annoys me (one of the many reasons why I hate devil)

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Subordination mod?! What do you got to do in this mod guessing by the name?

Not following the orders of your leader and as an result of your subordination you go to jail and then battle at the court? wink.gif ROFL smile.gif

I wait for an GTA-3 mod but of course with real world parameters and an much bigger environment than the PS2 version. wink.gif

And in OFP you got an Cessna which can fly and not just drive and stealing an tank is much easier. wink.gif

But the ice cream truck is missing! wink.gifsmile.gif

(Edited by animalica at 2:02 am on Jan. 1, 2002)

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do u smell that?? boy i sure do.....wanna know what it is..........................................


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