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Script to have Ai squad spawn on player

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I'm still new to Eden editor and I wanted to make it so that if a player needs an extra Ai to operate a vehicle they can just use one of the radio commands to spawn them in, any help on this would be appreciated.

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hey welcome to the Arma mission making zone ^_^,


to get started I really recommend you explore the Arma documentation https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_Scripting_Commands,  all the explanation of the magic is there in the documentation, or you could try tutorials on youtube to get started ^_^


so to spawn a unit Arma uses "createUnit" command, a unit needs a group it can be your group, to add a unit to your group, you get your group with the command:

private _playerGrp = group player;

next you place down the unit you want to spawn and copy his class by right clicking him and going to Log >> Log Classes to Clipboard, after you got the class into your clipboard you delete the unit and use the "createUnit" command to spawn in the unit to a group


private _unit = _playerGrp createUnit ["B_crew_F", getPosATL player, [], 0, "FORM"];

that is kinda the basics on how you spawn a unit in Arma, but to actually spawn in some units for empty vehicle seats, driver, gunner, etc..., here is a script I wrote(that probably took less then a second, probably 😃 )

spawnAssistantUnits = {
	params ["_veh","_unitGrp","_unitClass"];

	// if provided object is not a vehicle, exit
	if (_veh isKindOf "Man") exitWith {};

	// get commander seat, gunner seats, driver seat
	private _commander = commander _veh;
	private _turrets = allTurrets _veh;
	private _driver = driver _veh;

	// spawn commander if there is no unit in commander seat
	if (isNull _commander) then {
		private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"];
		_unit assignAsCommander _veh;
		[_unit] orderGetIn true;
		_unit moveInCommander _veh;
		// if vehicle doesn't have a commander seat, delete unit 
		if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then {
			deleteVehicle _unit;
	// spawn driver if there is no unit in driver seat
	if (isNull _driver) then {
		private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"];
		_unit assignAsDriver _veh;
		[_unit] orderGetIn true;
		_unit moveInDriver _veh;
		// if vehicle doesn't have a driver seat, delete unit 
		if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then {
			deleteVehicle _unit;

	// get current full crew of the vehicle 
	private _fullCrew = fullCrew _veh;

	// get occupied turret paths
	private _occupied_turret_paths = [];

		private _x_seatType =_x select 1;
		private _x_turretPath =_x select 3;
		_occupied_turret_paths pushBack str(_x_turretPath);
	} forEach _fullCrew;

	// spawn units for gunners empty
		private _x_str_turret = str(_x);
		// if turret gunner doesn't have a unit assigned
		if (!(_x_str_turret in _occupied_turret_paths)) then {
			// then spawn unit
			private _unit = _unitGrp createUnit ["B_Soldier_F", getPos _veh, [], 0, "FORM"];
			_unit assignAsTurret [_veh, _x];
			[_unit] orderGetIn true;
			_unit moveInTurret [_veh, _x];
	} forEach _turrets;


the above function might not work in 3DEN editor object inits, but you can in your mission folder directory "Documents\Arma 3\missions\YourMissionName", inside the folder create a file named "init.sqf", and paste the above code there, next you want to radio activate to call the function

[vehicle player, group player, "B_Soldier_F"] call spawnAssistantUnits;


to call the function through radio commands, place a trigger, set activation type to "Radio Alpha" and give it a text, now in "On Activation" paste the above code, you can now hop into any vehicle and and press 0, 0 2x and you should see your text which would spawn in some units to all the empty gunner, driver, commander seats, also make sure you set the trigger to repeat or you can only call the function once


P.S: why am I seriously writing all this down?, simple because I got nothing to do ^_^, also don't feel pity for me for wasting my time writing all the code, I'm a fast typer 😃 


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