donpachiyarou 5 Posted March 16, 2024 Hi I want to make a "Automatic shield" against the bullet which will hit the player(bullet which will not hit player shuld be ignored) I tried EH"Suppressed" and found that this EH wont run when the bullet hit the player,it runs only when the bullet "miss" the player.I want the "Suppressed" which have opposite role(=runs when the bullet will hit the unit) and it always runs too late,it runs when the bullet come very very close to the player(smaller than 5m maybe?) I want to make "Automatic shield" by 1.detect bullet which may hit the player when distance between bullet&player<5~10m 2.when incoming bullet is detected,create VR object like Sphere(20cm)or ProtectionZone or Helipad or something which have "Shiled looking"and put it near the player( I want this looks like Defense Spell found in "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End") and create explosive(grenade or 40mm HE?) and attach it to the incoming bullet. 3.make the attached explosive explode by using "trriggerammo" or setdamage 1;and delete the incoming bullet&Shield Is there any good idea to do this idea? thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donpachiyarou 5 Posted March 16, 2024 this addEventHandler ["FiredMan", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_vehicle"]; private _ang=_projectile getreldir (getAttackTarget _unit); private _L=_projectile distance (getAttackTarget _unit); private _dst=_L*tan(_ang); private _teki=(getAttackTarget _unit); systemchat format["%1",_dst]; if (_dst<10) then {private _sld="Sign_Sphere200cm_F" createvehicle [0,0,0];_sld attachto[(getAttackTarget _unit),[0,0,1]];_sld setObjectScale 1.7;_sld setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)"]; private _mkr="B_30mm_HE_Tracer_Red" createvehicle[0,0,0];_mkr attachto[_projectile,[0,0,0]];private _tate="ProtectionZone_F" createvehicle[0,0,0];_tate attachto[(getAttackTarget _unit),[0,0,0]];_tate setObjectScale 0.2; [_projectile,_sld,_teki,_tate] spawn{params["_projectile","_sld","_teki","_tate"];while{alive _projectile && (_projectile getreldir _teki<10)}do {sleep 0.3;};sleep 0.5;deletevehicle _sld;deletevehicle _tate;}; }; }]; I think this working.But I want to limit the use of this Auto Deploy Shield by Consuming specific item which soldier have in their backpack(this shouldnt work without specific item ) how can I check if (aimed soldier has specific item in their backpack)? and,does this script eat server's resource?(2500K/DDR3 16GB/SSD128GB/FTTH1Gbps) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cidfr 18 Posted March 16, 2024 38 minutes ago, donpachiyarou said: how can I check if (aimed soldier has specific item in their backpack)? You can use BIS_fnc_hasItem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
donpachiyarou 5 Posted March 23, 2024 That is what I want so much,Thanks! Now it's woking in my Server (I think) onplayerrespawn.sqf [player,"Auto Deploy Shield Standby","", "","( (currentweapon _this=="""")&&([_target, ""FirstAidKit"", true] call BIS_fnc_hasItem)&&(vehicle _this==_this) )","( (currentweapon _this=="""")&&([_target, ""FirstAidKit"", true] call BIS_fnc_hasItem)&&(vehicle _this==_this) )", {_a0="Sign_Sphere200cm_F" createVehicle [0,0,0];_a0 attachto[_caller,[0,0,0.9]];_a0 setObjectTexture [0,"#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.2,0.6,0.8,0.3)"];_a0 setObjectScale 2.3;} ,{private _a1=getobjectscale _a0;if (_a1<1) then{deletevehicle _a0;};},{deletevehicle _a0;_caller removeitem "FirstAidkit";},{deletevehicle _a0;_caller removeitem "FirstAidkit";},["_a0","_a1"],8,1000,false]call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; Enemy's init (In domination 4.65,spawnvehicle.sqf/makemgroup.sqf) _one_unit addEventHandler ["FiredMan", { // 2023.1.1 params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_mode", "_ammo", "_magazine", "_projectile", "_gunner"]; private _teki=(getAttackTarget _unit); private _atc=attachedobjects _teki; private _size=getobjectscale (_atc select 0); if ( (_teki iskindof "SoldierWB")&&(_atc select 0 !=objnull) )then { private _tate="ProtectionZone_F" createvehicle[0,0,0];_tate attachto[(getAttackTarget _unit),[0,0,1]];_tate setObjectTexture [0,"#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0.2,0.6,0.8,0.3)"];_tate setObjectScale 0.03; [_projectile,_teki,_tate,_atc,_size] spawn{params["_projectile","_teki","_tate","_atc","_size"];while{alive _projectile && (_projectile getreldir _teki<10)}do {sleep 0.3;};sleep 0.1;deletevehicle _tate;(_atc select 0) setobjectscale (_size-0.15);}; }; }]; 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites