franze 196 Posted June 21, 2003 This one has me stumped; I've tried just about everything to get this config to work, but I still get the "Input after end of file" error. Problem is, I'm not sure where it thinks the end of the file is. Here's the code: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class titanhg { units[] = {titanhg}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class LACtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {LACtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class ATMtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {ATMtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; class LRPtitan { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {LRPtitan}; requiredVersion = 1.20; }; }; class cfgModels { class Default {}; class Vehicle: Default {}; class Helicopter{}; class titanhg: Helicopter { sectionsInherit="Vehicle"; sections[]={"velka vrtule staticka","velka vrtule blur","mala vrtule staticka","mala vrtule blur"}; }; class Weapon: Default {}; class optika_flir_gunner: Weapon {}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class AT3: Default {}; class Hellfire: AT3 {}; class ATMtitan : Hellfire { hit=1600; indirectHit=200; indirectHitRange=2.500000; initTime=0.000000; thrustTime=5.500000; thrust=1200; model = "\titan\stores\damocles"; proxyShape="\titan\stores\damocles"; }; class BulletSingle : Default {}; class LACtitan: BulletSingle { hit=35; indirectHit=5; }; class Zuni: Hellfire {}; class LRPtitan: Zuni { hit=200; indirectHit=25; indirectHitRange=2; minRange=100; minRangeProbab=0.200000; midRange=200; midRangeProbab=0.200000; maxRange=400; maxRangeProbab=0.050000; simulation="shotRocket"; simulationStep=0.050000; cost=1000; soundHit[]={"Explosions\expl1",100.000008,1}; model="ZUNI"; maneuvrability=0; maxControlRange=0; thrustTime=3; thrust=1200; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class LAWLauncher: Default {}; class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {}; class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {}; class HellfireLauncherCobra : HellfireLauncher {}; class ATMtitan : HellfireLauncherCobra { ammo="ATMtitan"; displayName="AT-6 Damocles"; displayNameMagazine="ATM"; shortNameMagazine="ATM"; count=8; }; class MGun: Default {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {}; class LACtitan: MachineGun30 { displayName="PRF-25 Autocannon"; displayNameMagazine="LAC"; shortNameMagazine="LAC"; ammo="LACtitan"; count=2400; reloadTime=0.0610000; sound[]={"\hunter\lacshot.wav",4.162278,1}; aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero }; class ZuniLauncher38: AT3Launcher {}; class LRPtitan: ZuniLauncher38 { ammo="LRPtitan"; displayName="Vogel-8 Rocket Pod"; displayNameMagazine="LRP"; shortNameMagazine="LRP"; count=128; reloadTime=0.25; aiRateOfFire=0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=0; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero sound[]={"Weapons\rocket1",11.279965,1}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Helicopter: Air {}; class AH64: Helicopter {}; class titanhg: AH64 { side=TWest; scope=public; displayName="HA-7 Titan"; model="\titan\titan"; maxSpeed = 330; weapons[]={LACtitan,ATMtitan,LRPtitan,LaserDesignatorHG}; magazines[]={LACtitan,ATMtitan,LRPtitan,LaserDesignatorHG}; nameSound="chopper"; vehicleclass="Heavy Gear - Helicopters"; hasGunner=1; armor=200; transportSoldier=8; accuracy=0.08; simulation=helicopter; driverAction = ManActUH60Pilot; gunnerAction = ManActUH60Gunner; enableSweep=true; gunnerIsCommander=false; crew="SoldierWPilot" animated=1; class Turret { gunAxis = "OsaHlavne"; turretAxis = "OsaVeze"; soundServo[]={,db-40,1.0}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; minElev=-45; maxElev=+30; minTurn=-80; maxTurn=+80; body = "OtocVez"; gun = "OtocHlaven"; }; class Animations { class NoseGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="nosegear"; axis="osa_nosegear"; angle0=0; angle1=1.553337; }; class LeftGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="leftgear"; axis="osa_leftgear"; angle0=0; angle1=-1.5; }; class RightGear { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="rightgear"; axis="osa_rightgear"; angle0=0; angle1=1.5; }; }; class UserActions { // Raise and lower gear from pilot or copilot's seats class LowerLandingGear { displayName="Lower landing gear"; position="GearArea"; radius=3 condition="this animationPhase ""nosegear"" >= 0.5 and player in this"; statement="[this, 0] exec ""\titan\geardown.sqs"""; }; class RaiseLandingGear { displayName="Raise landing gear"; position="GearArea"; radius=3 condition="this animationPhase ""nosegear"" < 0.5 and player in this"; statement="[this, 1] exec ""\titan\gearup.sqs"""; }; }; class eventhandlers { init = [_this select 0] exec "\titan\gear.sqs"; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class Proxystores : ProxyWeapon {model = "\titan\stores\damocles"; simulation = "maverickweapon";} }; }; Any help is appreciated. 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franze 196 Posted June 21, 2003 Hmm, new problem now; fixed the old one (removed the bottom most "};" on cfgmodels), now when the game starts itll load for a couple secs then kick me back to the desktop. I've had this before but I can't remember how I fixed it/what was wrong with it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
franze 196 Posted June 21, 2003 I removed one "};" from eventhandlers and changed the base class from "AH64" to "Hind". <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class eventhandlers { init = [_this select 0] exec "\titan\gear.sqs"; }; //}; <-- removed I probably shouldn't have posted this here, but for future reference... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites