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Background texture probs

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i copied one background texture off the internet put it in paa. and loaded it. it worked fine and now im looking for another one. every time i try to copy a background texture i turn it into a paa. then i try to open it and it flickers real quick then it just becomes transparent like nothing is there. also ive noticed something when checking the file folders. the one that worked had was 39kb while the ones that didnt were only 1kb. i dont know if this will help but i couldnt hurt.

please try and help,


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A little confused but how are you converting these backgrounds?

This is a O2 Troubleshooting topic, you make it sound like you want a background in O2? The background texture in O2 is for texturing your model, not for use as a fancy background while you work on your models.This may not be the case, but sounds like it.lol

I would suspect whatever method you are using for converting.Also you notice that when you copy and paste a pic from webpage,its usually a small bmp.

But the pic size may also be the problem, the format needs to be a size like : 16x16,16x32,32x32,64x64 so you cant have a pic for example: 31x32..it wont work

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here is what im talking about. you know when you get a pic off the web and u load it into o2 to make like the outline of a gun. thats what im talking about most of them dont work.

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