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Barry the baldy

Tank tutorial?

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Ive found tutorials on modeling planes, guns, cars, ect but not one for making a tank, can anyone point me in the right direction?

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One thing you can do is depbo a exsisting tank addon and look at it. It's pretty simple to make a tank, but here are some key things:

"Kol" are the top set of sub-wheels. Whenever the tank moves, these wheels will move. However they do not work like the shock absorbing lower wheels. Example: "KolL1" "KolP4"

"kolo" is the lower set of wheels. When you drive over rough terrain, these wheels will follow the ground and bounce up and down. Example: "koloL1" "koloP2"

"pasanim" is the track animation. Whatever texture you have set for your treads will move around the treads. Example: "pasanimP" "pasanimL"

"pas" simply means tread. Forget the function of it other than to define the tread. Example: "pasL" "pasP"

"pasoffset" another tread name thingie. Forget what it does as well, aside from defining the tread. Example: "pasoffsetL" "pasoffsetP"

"podkolo" IMPORTANT! This part goes under the kolo set of wheels. Its part of the treads; what you do is select the tread vertices under the kolo wheel, and name it "podkoloL1" (if the wheel is "koloL1"). Failure to use this will result in funny looking treads or infuctional tread shocks. Example: "podkoloP4" "podkoloL2"

"poklop" hatches for driver, commander, and/or gunner. Example: "poklop_driver" "poklop_commander"

"otocvez" the entire turret. No examples needed - just select your entire turret and call it this.

"otochlaven" the part of the turret that elevates up and down (the gun in most cases).

"OtocVelitele" commander turret. No examples needed again.

All of the above names go in your main LOD; should be enough to get you started. If thats not enough, you can email me (franzebots@mechmodels.com).

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