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Editor functions

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Would it be possible to include some of the regularly used scripts into the editor eg:

1) Having an option to place a unit that will only appear after X number of seconds. WIll make it easier to use waypoints etc. than with createunit.

2) Have a respawn option, maybe including a place and max number of times

3) Would it be too complicated to have weapon loadout option different to soldier class. Can make it easier to mix and match uniforms and weapons. - Possibly also have tick boxes for available actions - Hide body, swim, etc.

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The more stuff you can do in the Editor the Better! biggrin_o.gif

It gets boring haveing to go out of the game and make a briefing,Description Ext.would be better to have it all in the editor!! biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif Good Idea smile_o.gif

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Yeah, thats a nice idea, although anything was possible in the Mission editor, It involved lots of scripts even to do the most simple things like call reinforcments. if there was short cuts to do the most common things like changing wepons, calling reinforcements etc... the editor would be alot better and we would see alot more and better missions out there. smile_o.gif

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