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Troop wont get shot

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Hi, I've made a mission where u have a whord of troops that if shot respawn after 10 seconds back at the spawn point. The way i have done it is to have a trigger with a check to see when the soldier is dead and if he is then to wait 10 seconds and then make him alive again using "soldier1 setdammage 0" and the spawn points location. It works fine but when the guy goes charging at the enemy MG position he easily wins. This is because the enemy MG doesnt shoot at him, I can imagine why this is because the computer still thinks its dead. How do i make it so the guy is alive and the MG repeatedly targets and shoots at him?



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Guest BratZ

Back when i was working on rts scripts.I had to revive the soldiers immediately otherwise they were dumb.

I think 10 secs is too long (i know it is), could try revive immediately and placing them somewheres for 10 secs then move them where needed maybe?

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