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der bastler

Class reloadanimations

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I found this class inside the M113 Vulcan's class

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

  class ReloadAnimations


        class VulcanCannon




            angle1="-2 * 3.141592654";





            begin="usti hlavne";

            end="konec hlavne";



Is it possible to implement this animation class in normal firearms classes (CfgWeapon)?

At least, is it possible to access the "fired" event from within a firearm?  rock.gif

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As far as I know, it is possible to impliment it to make a part of your weapon turn when you've shot a bullet. Look at BIS Grenade Launchers!

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The MM-1 uses a different effect:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class mygun: Riffle



  revolving = "myselection"

  revolvingaxis = "myaxis"


Problem: "myselection" would rotate around "myaxis" in steps of (360°/ammocount), i.e. it performs one complete revolution per magazine (this function was designed for revolvers)!

That would be very slow for a minigun with 500+ shots...

Hmm, seems class ReloadAnimations is constricted to vehicles? rock.gif

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If u would make a weapon mounted on tripod like the machine gun a solution is to make as a vehicle like M113 Vulcan but put fuel = 0 and maxspeed = 0

but maybe you know that smile_o.gif

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Yes, I know that, but I wanted to create an infantry-minigun.

*sigh* Guess I've to change the plans...


Well, let's equip Weyland-Yutani with a portable machine cannon...

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That would be very slow for a minigun with 500+ shots...

Have u try to change the reload time and with the use of burst or Auto I think the reload animation should be much more speedly smile_o.gif

but maybe I m wrong..

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No, the "revolving" animation is intended to be used with revolvers: Every time a reload happens the named selection rotates to feed the chamber with a new catridge/grenade.

That means that the named selection rotates (360/ammocount)° per shot. After ammocount shots a full revolution is completed. In my case you have 500+ shots --and the barrels only turn (360/500)°=0.72° per shot.

Conclusion: Only use "revolving" to visualize ammo feed of your weapon...

Ok, we've found another OFP engine limitation.

Result: instead of a minigun the Weyland-Yutani elite troops will have a machine cannon gunner. Kord? Mauser? Some aircraft cannon scaled down to infantry purposes?. Anyway, the weapon's slogan: "Fat, ugly and with a big boom!" wink_o.gif

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humm I think it's not a limitation, U have to try the event "Fired" in CfgVehicle of your soldier who transport the weapon for launching a script who can animate the gun.

Im not a real codder so I prefer to not tell too much about _this crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Well, if I launch a script from a soldier, the weapon effect is limited to this soldier...

...you see, no way out... rock.gif

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you can start the script as eventhandler in mission to a trigger or init field of commander of the group maybe ?

just put the script in the pbo and call it when you edit the mission.

I think it's a possible way.

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Yeah, I try to avoid additional scripting outside the addon but it seems to be the only way regarding Plasmagun (watch this) or Flamethrower.

At least another engine limitation...





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