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Get killed in a many nasty ways

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I don't like the way health concerns are done in almost every game. In most of them, there is only 0%-100% bar or another one for shield. This wasn't drastically improved from Wolfenstein3D in 1993. Then we got locational damage, but which is still usually reducing our amount of health just in different way. Then, in OFP1 you couldn't walk if you were hit in the legs or aimed worse if you were hit in the chest or hands (correct me if I'm wrong).

First thing that must be improved in OFP2 is the locational damage of course. Make it at least Soldier Of Fortune II standard. But to make it even better I would make a direct hit and supeficial hit which would actually be calculated from a luck factor (there are lesser chances you'll get just a scratch). A direct hit would mean you are seriously hurt. And don't add up any health indicators (it would be a sin ;), let the player look with a special button where he's hurt or just a yell ("AAAAH, my leg!"). If he gets a direct hit in a knee he stumbles first and he can't walk anymore. The end. No slower walking. If the player gets a direct hit in his arms he can't raise his weapon to aim, unless he lies on the ground. Superficial hit would just degrade the maximum performance of the player.

If a bomb explodes nearby, he is blown away by the pressure and he hears nothing but ringing in his head for some time while the rest of the sounds are in background. Or if the explosion was really close he gets stunned and looses consciensness for a period of time (the monitor goes black). While the player is stunned the time gets accelerated 8x (or more or less) until he awakes in a helicopter for example (his buddys have picked him up). He might still feel sick from the concussion and have a distorted and double vision thus he isn't able to fight optimally.

Dying slowly. You're in shock, time goes faster (mind that), the view is blurred, the sounds are silenced, (you get morphine from the medic and everything is ok smile_o.gif and there should be time that's left till you're really dead (the medic still might stop the fatal bleeding or bleeding). You might die also uncouscious.

If you look at the casualties numbers of any war, you'll see that the most of them are the wounded not killed, so please at least make it look that way. People usually get incapacitated, stunned, maimed but they must be very unlucky to get killed.

I might add something more about health concerns later. That's all for now, folks.

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Now, when the idea of carrying the wounded off the field was mentioned in another topic I see no point in bringing that up. But if you get heavily wounded, the game would end. Otherwise if the wound wasn't so serious, you may return into your unit (if the idea of "war theatre" mentioned in another topic was already included, if the missions are linear, it's no use then).

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