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I could settle for no JIP.....

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...the #vote option. For the next patch please PLEASE make it available to only players currently in the mission, not to everyone that is on the server.

Tried to play this past weekend....would get ready to enter a mission.....and would go back to the vote missions option because people not in the game were crying too loud(voted "#vote missions") and kicked everyone back.

I am all for getting everybody playing MP...but it was getting ridiculous. It took literally 40 minutes to get a game going. And several times we would get 2-3 minutes into a mission......and the vote would bring us back to the vote missions screen AGAIN !!!!!!!!!

C'mos guys.....if I don't get there in time, I wait. Have some courtesy.....

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I was playing that night too I think....It was on either CYBA's Training Grounds or OO7vet's server I think.  We would just get a game started and BAM! Someone would #vote reassign or something and yank us out of the game.  I actually think the problem there was that the server admin set the "VoteThreshold" value too low....basically allowing a single vote to ruin the game.  If the server config file was properly configured, that wouldn't happen. It was d*amn frustrating though!

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It was on 007's .....

I don't know if the threshold can be changed - I have never hosted (56Krap LOL)....hopefully it can, if not by the host, then in the next patch.

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It can be changed. The default value for voteThreshold is .5 meaning 50% of the people must vote for the same thing in order for it to be accepted. This value can be changed in the config.txt file that launches as a command line switch on dedicated server. 007vet's server obviously set this value way too low....maybe on purpose.

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All I ask, is that if BIS puts in the "1st person to join gets admin rights" bit, give the server operator the option to disable that feature, it's something I don't want, especially after seeing how tribes1 fared with that system.

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