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Player can change of ai, or multi-squad

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First method :

unit Switchcamera "LeaderGroup" , you can give orders just like player with keyboard, and move it with mouse, BUT after back in player AI is NOT desable and WP done by player are evalable.

The player is always the player and he could be destroy.

Second method :

Player switchinAI unit, the player go in AI, the AI of the leaving unit is not desable. No limitation of change. In fact a kind of respawn .

And the dream:

Build a hierachical organisation commands by player, if typical movment and WP for a platoon are implemented you can reproduce it for upper levels, so number of levels is not the problem, OFP1 is playable with a medium config with 300 AIs.

After tactic, strategy.

PS: for second method, you don't need a phone line...

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