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Server player frozen to other mp players

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This one is a little hard to describe, but I'll try.  It is a mission that I have created.


When the MP mission first starts 4 players are standing next to each other.  I am acting as the server/player.  To them, I appear to be frozen.  However, I can move.  They cannot get into a chopper, but I see them get in.  Very weird.


I have built this mission as a series of iterations.  That is, I save what I have with a numerical extension and then add more.  I can go back two versions and the mission works fine.


My main question is:  Does anyone know what situation can cause this that is mission content specific?  (i.e. adding units, grouping, etc not MP networking version issues)  I have used the stock editor for all of it.  Is this an editor-generated problem?  For example, can doing a copy/paste of units or something like that cause it?  I wonder it there is a good mission checker out there?

Endless babbling and commentary:

This happened once before and I ended up rebuilding the entire mission after methodically removing bits and pieces failed to point out the problem.  There must be something the editor lets you do that causes the engine to get out of sync an have a cow.  Ahhhh!

I can send the mission to anyone who wants to see for themselves.

As always Thanks!

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Well the above was using the 1.46 engine. It looks like whatever it did not like was fixed in the resistance (1.91) engine, so nevermind.

Thanks anyway.

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