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I have booked my place in the Asylum

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You are my last hope

ok if you can help me please message, before I give up intros as a lost cause.

As a learning excercise I have made a 3 min 45 sec intro, which works great, as a stand alone, in the editor, ( I know its too long)

I have also completed building the mission.

BUT in the editor I can watch the preview of the intro, then it just throws me out to the editor, no linking to the mission.

OR... I can play the mission in in preview.........

They will not link, in editor OR if saved to multyplayer

I have tried everything


In the intro, a trigger with type end#1.............. dont work

A trigger with type loose.............. dont work

An end trigger on a countdown timed to work after intro camera script is complete.................... dont work

I have tried scripting forceend into the intro camera script...... dont work.

Every combination of player IN the intro and IN the mission, or just all playable, or ai......... no difference

To verify that the trigger HAS been activated I have used an AI as the grouped trigger source, and yes it does activate............ but as usual throws me back to the editor

So HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP i am going nutzzz

Any advice will be GREATLY appreciated

NB All replies will be forwarded to my padded cell, where I am now a jibbering heap.

Yours in forlorn hope


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It throws you back to the editor because you can't preview the intro and then go to the mission, you have to export the mission first.

Are you activating your triggers? If you are and it doesn't work, try it with a script.

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Thx for the prompt reply Devil.

Unfortunately I have already tried exporting, with the same results. The mission starts immediately, without an intro.

The complete intro has 100% scripted cameras.

Only the actors are contolled using waypoints etc.

As per origional post, I am sure that the trigger IS being triggered, I tested it by temporarily making it activated by west and putting end#1 as the type. then i just plonked in an ai on waypoints to cross the trigger. It triggers, but straight out to the editor.

Once i verified it was triggered, I timed the intro, and made the trigger of type activated by countdown, and removed the ai. after export to multy it jumps straight to the mission, .....no intro?



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have u tried replacing the "end1" trigget with the "TERMINATE" command....

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Yorkie, TERMINATE command just destroys the camera and has nothing to do.

Shell, this sounds like an internal problem burried in your mission. If you want to sent it to me (thedevil@thegreenjeep.com) I will be glad to look it over and tell you what's wrong with it.

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ok the saga continues lol

in order to test my scripting.. I made the smallest intro and mission possible

I made a small cam script intro, with a dude crossing a trigger. works fine in preview ends as expected.

Made test mission one waypoint. The dude walks to waypoint. fine in the editor again

Made sure cam script in user missions myname/mymission folder.

back to editor export to mplayer folder

and LOL in multyplayer it goes straight to the mission, no intro.

so... its gotta be a real fundamental problem, an assumption that everyone assumes I know..... er I hope?

EG in the trigger to go from intro to mission (defined as type end#1)

Does anything go in the on activation line.?

Does anything need to be in the condition line, I left it at default ?

i have also tried, as an experiment using the exact same cam script, but as a cut scene not an intro, WITHIN the mission, NOT built using the intro, just the mission button in the editor. It works fine the scene DOES play, but its a cutscene effectively stuck at the start.

I dont want to go this route, as the proper intro is very busy, and would hog memory once the mission is underway, I have also used set pieces ONLY needed for the intro, I dont want them in my mission(background lorries passing windows in inside shots etc)

If I had spent this much time studying a science I would have been an "ologist" by now LOL .........biologist, physiologist etc etc



Pass me another valium sandwich will ya?

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Thx I have emailed that to you today.

If the cavalry are going to arrive over the hill, I think you may be them lol

In the cutdown version I sent you there is also an error message now appearing?, all very strange

Anyway your help MUCH appreciated, If you can enlighten me I shall for sure give ya a mention in the credits ( don`t expect too much fame and fortune tho LOL)



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Yup, sometimes I can't get the d*amn intros to end either, no matter what I try

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Guest PsychoChipmunk

Intros dont work in multiplayer....

(Edited by PsychoChipmunk at 1:13 pm on Sep. 7, 2001)

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Yup, sometimes I can't get the d*amn intros to end either


They Do work sometimes then?


Intros dont work in multiplayer....

Is this 100% fact ?? anyone?

Multiplayer intros cant be done?????? Plz tell me it aint true!!


A slightly disallusioned Shell

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When U export a mission U made, that has an INTRO, Export it to single player, then go in MISSIONS folder ( not USERS/MISSION) and copy the *.PBO to the MPMISSIONS folder

like that it should work fine

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thx Rambo

Unfortunately i tried that, and it still skips the intro.

In single player there is no problem, but in mutlyplayer it just skipe the intro.

I am beginning to think I am chasing something which can`t actually be done.

If it can`t surely this is a considerable ommision or bug in the program?

THoughts comments............. feel free

Yours in despair


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I get this exact same problem too. I've seen intro's in other multiplayer missions, why not mine? Works fine in single player. If anyone has any info on this, please post it.

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