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Trouble with tracked vehicles

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My problem is that when I try to get a tracked vehicle (mostly APC because most tanks don't do this) to follow a road, i simply put a MOVE waypoint on road where I want it to move. The problem is that it doesn't follow the road and goes across country to get to where I told it to. If I try to put many waypoints on each piece of road where I want it to move, it stops and waits about 5 seconds untill it moves on. How do I make it stay on the road, and still not stop?

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Just fired up the editor and stuck an M1 with "this setbehaviour "safe"" in, gave it a single move WP half-way across Malden and it worked fine.

Of course I'm running 1.90 and there were no enemies on the map.

Actually, that may be your problem- It detects enemies and goes into combat mode, where it avoids roads like the plague.

If that's not it, you've flummoxed me completely.  crazy.gif

Edit: Just tried with an M113. Same result as above...

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I think I found out my problem. I'm running v1.46 by the way. I put the vehicle behavior on "careless", instead of "safe" because i didn't think that there was that much of a difference. Well, now I know the difference, and it works no, so thanks for your help guys! wink.gif

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