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New Weapons

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Hi, can someone tell me how to add the new weapons to an ammobox? Nemes!

Thanks guys

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from K6 on 7:02 pm on Nov. 13, 2001

Hi, can someone tell me how to add the new weapons to an ammobox? Nemes!

Thanks guys<span id='postcolor'>

// Weapon

this addweaponcargo ["M16",6];

// Magazine

this addmagazinecargo ["M16",50];

New Weapons

G36q G36aMag

Steyr SteyrMag


Bizon BizonMag

MM1 MM1Magazine

6G30 6G30Magazine

So if you wanted 6 XMS's and 50 mags, the ammo box init line would look like this:

this addweaponcargo ["XMS",6];this addmagazinecargo ["M4",50];

That's about it.



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Thanks Major!


Best regards

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ok, from where you pick the units, go to empty, then pick ammo, from the initialization bar near the middle of the screen, type this:

this addweaponcargo ["EXAMPLE",1];

this addmagazinecargo ["G36A",120];

the number represents the quantity of how much of the item you want to be in that ammo box.

instead of EXAMPLE, insert any one of these weapons or magazines below as they are shown:

Wep. | Mag.

G36A | G36A


M60 | M60

LAWLauncher (Same as magazine name)

M21 | M21

Binocular (As weapon not magazine)

KOZLICE (The ammo is in the west addons ammo box)

M16 | M16




AK47 | AK47

AK47CZ | AK47

MM1 | MM1

There are more weapons that i need to find out how to add to the cargo, but when I do, write me back at my E-MAIL and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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Does anybody hav a full list for every weapon and ammo for vechiles to for the new 1.30 including the civilian and resistance guns and ammo like kozlice

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