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RELEASE: Weighted Vehicle Service Script

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What is this?
In simplest terms: A vehicle repair/refuel/rearm script.
What makes this different is the procedural 'weight' of vehicles. Calculated on a variety of conditions, each vehicle type has specific hull, fuel, & ammo costs that will determine the length of service for each category.
Some conditions include:

Hull: Vehicle type, armor, whether its a repair or medical vehicle
Fuel: Fuel capacity and if its a refuel vehicle
Ammo: Count & importance of ammo, if its a rearm vehicle
This means that a tank will take longer to repair than a truck, because the tank is armored. A plane will take longer to rearm than an MRAP because it has more & bigger ammo. 

0: Object: The thing you want the repair action added to (repair depot)
1: Number (optional): speed modifier. (example: 2 will make the rearm twice as fast. 0.5 will make it half as fast. 0 will make it instant----if you wanna get rid of the whole reason script this is here)

[0,1]call J_fnc_WVSS;

Vehicle Weighting:

To see what weights the script is giving a vehicle you can run the following code in the debug console in the editor:

vehicle call J_fnc_getVehicleWeight;

If you feel like a particular vehicle isn't being weighted properly you can set custom values with "J_WVSS_VehList" in the missionNamespace

_list = [
	//[vehicle classname,[Hull Cost, Fuel Cost, Weapon Cost]] OR
	//[vehicle classname,total cost] ----------- in this syntax the 'total cost' will be divided by 3 to yield the separate costs
	["C_Offroad_01_comms_F",[5,5,0]], //Total cost auto-calculated as 10
	["C_Offroad_01_F",3]; //Total cost of 3, each Hull/Fuel/Weapon cost will return 1
missionNamespace setVariable ["J_WVSS_VehList",_list];


- The vehicle's engine must be off for the service action to appear
- Any service time longer than 10 seconds will prompt the player to continue

- works for nested turrets & pylon weapons

- Currently untested in MP
- Currently untested with community addons

- (I plan on testing with both, but unknown for now)

I hope you all get some good use out of this!
Please let me know any issues or questions you have!


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