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Changing units in the editor

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This might be a really dumb question, but bear with me.

I have been changing/updating some missions by other people for my own use, and have hit a snag.

Occasionally when I want to change a unit (say swap a standard T72 for a snow T72, or swap a soldier for a BAS delta operator) I fond they have waypoints over them (in the editor). When I try to select the unit, I can only select the waypooint, regardless of whther I press F1 or F4.

Can anyone tell me a way around this, or what I am doing wrong?

I really want to update some older missons with new units, burt this is stopping me on many missions.

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You have to hold down SHIFT and then double click to be able to edit unit properties when it has a waypoint on top of it...

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Hey, thanks for the answer! I'll try that out as soon as I get on my home PC.

Thanks a lot! smile.gif

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