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End of a love affair

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I am Having my first attempt at a dedicated sever [1.90]

I find the info very confusing, do all the download files have to be copied into FP directory?  There is a DOs Batch file and a cfg file that does not get mentioned. I have made a server config file from the sample.

when it says change command line argument to  -server


needless to say it just ignores my server and runs as normal

What have I missed?

please help

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the info has been a bit confusing, i agree.

server.cfg start:

hostname="Server name on Gamespy";



maxplayers = 32;

motd[] = {"Message of the day #1","#2","#3","#4.","#5"};

motdInterval = 2;

MaxCustomFileSize = 25000;

server.cfg stop.

then run the server with -config=server.cfg

the more specific settings can be found from users\<player>\userinfo.cfg and \flashpoint.cfg (the <player> might be your playername or just "player")

hope this gets you started.


--edit: sorry, was a bit hasty. flashpointresistance.exe -server -config=server.cfg

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