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Wanting to apply a custom init script to all Blufor (or any side) units

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I have a script that I want to use on all AI units of a side, and I have no idea how to do so. The script itself is below, it simply makes a unit small.


[] spawn { 
 while {alive dude1} do { 
 dude1 setObjectScale 0.3; 

The reason why I want to apply it to all units of blufor is that I want to spawn in custom units and they get effected by the script. I did try and make a custom composition with this script, but I ran into the problem of only 1 ai unit being downsized and the unit that was previously downsized returning to normal size.

If it is possible to figure out a way to have this be able to be in the init of the unit, and I can just spawn him in via zeus with custom compositions that would be great (could possibly make it into a mod--a Santa faction with elfs.). That's the solution I'd prefer, but I'd be fine with applying the script to either a group of ai or to the entire side. 

I'm pretty new to scripting, and have no idea what I'm looking for. Thanks for the help.

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Hey, actually your script affect only one unit, the unit call "Dude1". With this script, you need to named every unit in your mission, it will be really reaaaallllyyyy long 😀


You can try something with allUnits, it could be a way to do it easyly. I'm not an expert, so i'm not really sure this is a good way to solve your problem ^^'


Edit: there is a few information in this topic :)

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