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Hi, can anyone help me to achieve that when playing as a Blufor zeus all opfor units are invisible until any blufor unit knowsabout is 1.5 or more.

I tried this but i suck at scripting any help is appreciated.


_z1 = getAssignedCuratorLogic z1;
_bluf = units west;
_opfor = units east;

while {true} do {
        _who = _x;
            _target = _x;
            _knowsAbout = _who knowsAbout _target;
            if (_knowsAbout < 1.5) then {
                _target hideObject true; // Opfor is invisible
            } else {
                _target hideObject false; // Opfor is visible
        } forEach _opfor;
    } forEach _bluf;
    sleep 1; // One second interval between iterations

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