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Radio triggers

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Ok, this is more just a request for clarifciation...

I have got a radio trigger to work, but I'm still not 100% sure HOW it works (I just copied it sorta from an official mission template).

I noticed in the triggers you can have "Radio Alpha", "Radio Bravo", etc... but what do they refer to exactly? Do they each refer to a team/squad on the map (like if team Alpha uses the radio, use "Radio Alpha" to capture it?) or do they refer to the slots in the Radio, like the first slot is Alpha, second one is Bravo?

I'm asking because I am not sure how you are supposed to detect different radio selections, like if you give the user 3 radio choices, how do you detect which one was selected?

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No each radio code refers to a trigger... it can be anything like play music, win game, tank blows up... whatever you define the trigger to do. You set it by using the Activation box. I've used it for calling in an airlift so in the activation box put Radio Alpha, name it whatever you like (this will display in game), and set the on activation field to do what you want it to.

Does that help at all?


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The triggers refer to the slots in the radio, first to Radio Alpha, etc. Thus clicking the first slot activates the "Radio Alpha" trigger.

You can change the messages appearing in the radio like

x SetRadioMsg "text"

where x is the radio slot 1,...,8 e.g.

1 SetRadioMsg "Call air support"

Hope this helps,


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Yes Spinor, that's what I was confused about smile.gif Reason being is because the game auto-assigns groups, Alpha, Bravo, etc.. and I wasn't sure if it meant Radio Alpha would only trigger if group Alpha used the radio smile.gif

This info helps me eliminate a variable from being needed to test if the radio message was used or not smile.gif


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