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Random calulation script

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Hey Hey biggrin.gif

Anyone able to write me a random calulation script! It quite simple:

I need a script that randoms pick a number from 1-10 smile.gif

and set it to a _mission

I need for if _mission = 1 : goto "mission1"


Am trying to work out a random "action" map, so that each time you play it, it randoms picks 1 out of 10 ways for enermy to complete it's mission! biggrin.gif

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try the following, it should do the trick (I calculate a number ranging 0,...,9 which is equivalent to yours)


;this is a float random number ranging from 0 to 9.99999999

_mission = random 9.999999999

;this should transform it into a integer random number 0,1,...,9

_mission = _mission - (_mission mod 1)

;this then jumps to the appropriate subroutine

goto format ["mission%1", _mission]







Hope this helps,


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