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Issue with models not displaying in editor

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So i've placed some prefab houses, made some polylines and put forestgenerators in them and they displayed just fine directly after creation.
But after closing the workbench and loading the world later the objects appear and disappear randomly, and i can get them to show up in the editor but when i play the world through the editor all the objects disappear, the only "fix" is if i recreate all the objects, but as soon as i reload the world the same issue appears. Any ideas why this happens and how to fix it?

Pics of the issue:

In editor

Same session but when im playing the scenario

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Are you sure they are disappearing?


What you are describing sounds almost exactly like my problem, except all the buildings move themselves from the terrain to snap to the water. Seems to happen to prefabs that I have placed before making any sculpting adjustments to the terrain, then will happen permanently until I replace them. 

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