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Hi Guys. I have an strange issue with connection to self hosted server. I'm trying to run some scenario and it runs successfully, no errors on server side and server logs are clean, but when i try to connect to server, passing loading screen i've got an "...run with selected mods..." error. According to error logs on client side this issue appears "RPL       (E): IReplication::JIPError: Inconsistent item table on Slave connection. Item is missing or different item was loaded in its place."

I've tried to reinstall all mods on server side, purge and redownload all mods from client side, even reinstall the game but issue is still there.

Not all scenarios have this problem, but maybe someone has this similar problem and fixed this.


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P.S. There is no error when i host game with this mod through Arma Reforger > Scenarios > Host.

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i have the same problems with RHS-Showcase Mission.

The Details from Client-log are:
09:44:57.638                  RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{50AE49F9A018F9B6}Assets/Shader/NVG/Color/Green/NightVisionGreen.emat" in property "m_colorshaderpath"
09:44:57.638                  WORLD     (E): Unknown keyword/data 'WearAction' at offset 1995(0x7cb)
09:45:00.803 rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame
09:45:00.804  RPL       (E): IReplication::JIPError: Inconsistent item table on Slave connection. Item is missing or different item was loaded in its place.
09:45:02.497  INIT         : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj"
09:45:02.497   RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/localization.st" in property "StringTableSource"
09:45:03.163  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Character/Cameras/ADS/CharacterCameraADS.c,383": 'GetBoneMatrix' is obsolete: Use GetAnimation().GetBoneMatrix() instead
09:45:03.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/SCR_BaseGameMode.c,643": 'RequestServerReload' is obsolete: Use RequestScenarioRestart instead!
09:45:03.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/SCR_BaseGameMode.c,1019": 'HandleOnCharacterCreated' is obsolete: Use OnControllableSpawned instead
09:45:03.319  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/SCR_BaseGameMode.c,1040": 'HandleOnCharacterDeath' is obsolete: Use OnControllableDestroyed instead
09:45:03.327  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/SaveLoad/SCR_SaveManagerCore.c,90": 'RequestServerReload' is obsolete: Use RequestScenarioRestart instead!
09:45:03.376  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Music/SCR_SpawnMusic.c,22": 'SGetOnSpawn' is obsolete: Use SCR_RespawnComponent.GetOnRespawnResponseInvoker_O() instead
09:45:03.376  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Music/SCR_SpawnMusic.c,27": 'SGetOnSpawn' is obsolete: Use SCR_RespawnComponent.GetOnRespawnResponseInvoker_O() instead
09:45:03.384  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/Respawn/RequestHandling/Base/SCR_SpawnRequestComponent.c,596": 'SGetOnSpawn' is obsolete: Use SCR_RespawnComponent.GetOnRespawnResponseInvoker_O() instead
09:45:03.535  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/Menu/ScenarioDetailsMenu.c,152": 'RequestMissionChangeTransition' is obsolete: Use RequestScenarioChangeTransition instead!
09:45:03.560  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/ScreenEffects/SCR_InspectCasualtyWidget.c,121": 'GetBoneMatrix' is obsolete: Use GetAnimation().GetBoneMatrix() instead
09:45:03.561  SCRIPT    (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/ScreenEffects/SCR_InspectCasualtyWidget.c,121": 'GetBoneIndex' is obsolete: Use GetAnimation().GetBoneIndex() instead
09:45:04.247     RESOURCES    : GetResourceObject '$ArmaReforger:Missions/MpTest/10_MpTest.conf'
09:45:04.247      DEFAULT      : Config load '$ArmaReforger:Missions/MpTest/10_MpTest.conf'
09:45:04.247       RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{7DE6E676784DC348}UI/Textures/MissionThumbnails/MPTest.edds" in property "m_sIcon"
09:45:04.251    ENTITY       : Create entity @"ENTITY:2" ('Music', GenericEntity) at <0.000000 0.000000 0.000000>
09:45:04.251     AUDIO     (W): SignalManagerComponent not present, functionality will be limited
09:45:04.929 DEFAULT   (W): No GameMode present in the world, using fallback logic!
09:45:04.929 DEFAULT   (E): Kicked from game. group=1 reason=8

09:45:05.003   GUI          : Creating menu 'ServerBrowserMenu'
09:45:05.003    GUI       (E): MenuManager: Menu item 'ServerBrowserMenu.OnActionConnect' widget 'Select' can't be found in menu layout 'UI/layouts/Menus/ServerBrowser/serverBrowser.layout'
09:45:05.298 BACKEND   (W): Revision::GetDependencies was called on an instance without loaded dependencies!

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this problem?

p.s. I have a server names '[EU\/GER] v0³-squad - Konfliktzone Everon PVE RHS' with which I started the RHS mission.

Best regards

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