turkishsoap 10 Posted April 2, 2023 4. Mot.-Schützendivision (NVA) The 4. Mot.-Schützendivision is a realism and historically focused ArmA III Milsim unit, representing a Mechanized infantry platoon in the East German Army during the Cold War period. Our unit is made up of many members with extensive long-term experience within many different MilSim communities and with that, we aim to provide an immersive experience using real-life tactics and strategies. Our Detachments: - 1. Zug “Lehmann”: Mechanized Infantry Platoon mounted in SPz BMP-1. / Open - 1. Panzerzug “Felix”: Tank Platoon equipped with T-55 series tank. / Closed Unit Schedule for Main Ops and Mini Ops: Wednesday - Available for Mini Op/Side Op Friday - Available for Mini Op/Side Op Saturday - Main Operation 18:00 GMT/BST Sunday - Available for Mini Op/Side Op Requirements: -A working microphone -You need to own a legal copy of ArmA III as well as the Global Mobilization CDLC. -You need to have TeamSpeak 3 installed and working on your PC. -Must register with a German forename and surname. If you need help finding one, leave it blank, and ask an officer for help. -You're at least 18 years of age. [No Exceptions can be made.] -Aren't racist, sexist, homophobic, or just a generally terrible person. We want all members to show respect towards each other so that we can maintain a fun, comfortable environment. -Understand that this is a NON-POLITICAL UNIT and we will not tolerate any political discussions on Discord or TeamSpeak. -You aren't a poor sport. We won't win every battle, so don't take losses personally. In the end, we're here to have fun. For more information, visit our Discord server with the link provided below. Discord Share this post Link to post Share on other sites