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(resolved) trying to add an mk18 retextured variant

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hello, I am trying to add an additional mk18 in black. I have managed to add additional mk-1's from the marksman DLC but I have only been so far able to reskin the base mk18.


any info appreciated, can't understand what I am doing wrong. code below. cheers.


class CfgPatches
	class mk18
		requiredAddons[] =
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
class CfgWeapons
	class srifle_EBR_F;
	class srifle_EBR_black_F : srifle_EBR_F
		displayName = "MK18 EBR 7.62 mm (Black)";
		author = "goyney";
		picture = "\mk18\data\ui\gear_ebr_black_X_CA.paa";
		hiddenSelections[] =
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] =



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fixed right after the post after hours of trying beforehand!!!

baseWeapon is present in the class for all single variant weapons meaning any sub variants of the base class will be hidden in the virtual inventory. makes no sense why that is added when there is only 1 variant anyway?

so simply adding baseWeapon " ..... " ; into the sub variant class will allow the weapon to show in the VI.




class CfgWeapons
	class srifle_EBR_F;
	class srifle_EBR_black_F : srifle_EBR_F
		displayName = "MK18 EBR 7.62 mm (Black)";
		author = "goyney";
		baseWeapon = "srifle_EBR_black_F";
		picture = "\mk18\data\ui\gear_ebr_black_X_CA.paa";
		hiddenSelections[] =
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] =


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