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Importing Shapefile for Forest

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Can somebody explain (ELI5) to me how to calculate the X/Y shift in QGIS for export? I've been using BlenderGIS to skip the process but it produces double verts, extended tangents, all sorts of gnarly stuff.

Also when I import to Enfusion, do I import it as a spline or polyline?


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I think you just need to export your Classification/Ssegmented data without fill. Only export them as outlines with a ID like you have for road vector shapefiles.
Then you import the shapefiles as splines, and you can then add a forest generator to them later if the editor can't handle adding them as prefabs.

I guess you need closed splines if using splines and not polyline?!


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Here is the link to where i found this! 
The Atlas 2: Arma Reforger (WIP)

Import Shapes with Forest Generators

This section explains how to import polygons so that they get a forest generator applied to them on import. It is mostly useful for importing shapefiles from Arma 3 terrains or vector data of real world locations.


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In order for this method to work, each shape in your shapefile requires an attribute that defines which type of forest it is.

The only setup I have tested so far is the attribute of ID with each value being a number. It’s possible other values will work but this tutorial is going to use that setup.

I recommend using QGIS to add the ID attribute and a value.


Go to your project directory and create a folder called forests inside of it

Save or copy your .shp (along with .shx, .prj, and .dbf) file into the yourProject\forests folder


Go to the Import Shapefile button in the top toolbar

The SHP Path field is a path to your shapefile. Press the “..” button.

In the Choose m_sSHPPath (shp files) window, select your shapefile


Press OK


If your shapefile was made for Arma 3 or from GTT, you will want to add an X offset value of -200000.

If your shapefile is from a different source, for example OSM data you downloaded, you will need to find the offset to use.

If for example your shapefile is a square that covers your whole terrain and the coordinate of the bottom left vertex is 251,267 then your offset would be X: -251 and Z: -267.

Make sure Random Yaw is selected

In the ID Column Name field, type ID


Go to Resource Browser and search for “SCR_SHP”. There should be one file called SCR_SHPPrefabDataList_ForestGenerator.conf

Right-click on the file and go to Duplicate to <yourProjectName>

Select a name for this file. I normally do SCR_SHP_ForestGenerator


Press OK


The file should now appear in your project folder inside of a folder called Configs\ForestGenerator

In Resource Browser, right-click on your new .conf file (ex. SCR_SHP_ForestGenerator.conf)

Go to Open in Resource Manager. This will show the contents of the file.

You can left-click on the blue > signs and it will open each class. Each class has an ID and a Prefab.

Any shapefile that has an attribute ID of 1 will get the FG_Forest_Spruce1.et prefab assigned to it. An ID of 2 will assign FG_Forest_Pine1.et.


These IDs and Prefab are editable.

If you wish, you can add a new entry by going to the top line where it says (17) and clicking the + button. 

A new entry will be added to the bottom. You can open it and assign an ID and prefab.

If you made changes, go up to Workbench and select Save

Go back to the World Editor

From the resource browser, drag your .conf file into the Import Shapefile tool and  into the Prefab Data List field where it says “set class”

Select Import SHP and your shapes will be imported with forest prefabs assigned to them

If your forests do not appear over your terrain, you may need to use the offset fields to align them.


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