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Can't find anything solid on if theres a way to play the og MINI DAYZ on pc but everyone seems to say its not possible and mainly for web browsers updating which is odd, cant find it archived anywhere. ig the question i have is there any or chance to get the last version of the SP build as a download or something. id like some more light on all this cause like why ever take it down like it was enjoyed and clearly had a community, why all this web browser non sense??? Just wanna play it on the pc again, mobile is great but keyboard n mouse has no support n thats lame asf why not have just released it as a legit game or whatever idk n why exclude the pc community, the game has had so much support already n why cut out pc support like wtf   

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Unfortunately, the original Mini Dayz is no longer available for download, as it was only available as a web browser game and the developers have since taken it down. If you wish to play the game, you can still find it online through various web-based emulators, but these emulators may not be as reliable or up-to-date as the original game. Alternatively, you can try downloading the mobile version of the game, which is still available for both Android and iOS devices.

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