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Johann "onn" Bitsoenn

Addons storage - help needed... :(

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I would like to ask you for some help about keeping addons in ofp. Well known problem is that ofp can handle limited amount of addons... It was not a problem some time ago, but now the amount of good addons "to keep" is much bigger than avaiable place...

I have some idea to override it but I am not shure about way it will work (if it will work) wich is to split some clearly-dividable parts of addons (as in example SEB NAM pack or WWII addons or any national-army packs other than standard game sides) in MOD folders. Question I have are:

~ Is the command "flashpointresistance.exe -mod=foldername" correct?

~ What files are needed in MOD folder, what structure should it be (overall: any rules about it and info about any config files needed inside)

~ Will it work? :]

I would be very gratefull for any info or links to any infos.

Thanx in advance :]

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One peculiarity, if you have island addons, place the addon's "anim" cutscene folders in OFP\Addons or OFP\Res\Addons. The anims don't work out of a mod\Addons folder.

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