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Can't Play 3rd Set of Encounters

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I'm been successfully playing Fjellkanten (the middle set of game rotation) and Snodekt (Top left set of encounters) but I can't get Sagbruk (top right set of encounters) to load.  I can select the encounter, it proceeds normally to get server, prepare server, and then start the screen with the pic of the sawmill, as if the players were going to load, BUT they and actual gameplay never load.  Little wheel of progress in lower right keeps spinning but I inevitably wait 10+ minutes, and then have to exit out, restarting both xbox and vigor.  Any suggestions?

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Update...Since I had a couple hours until my preferred maps rolled around again, I uninstalled Vigor from xbox, deleted all local content, reset my xbox and cleared it's cache, reset my network and forced a new IP address.  Then I put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  I logged on to xbox, reinstalled a fresh vigor download, and synced up everything afresh with the cloud. It wasn't really any help.


I played games on the 1st and 2nd set of encounters no problem, but after FJ rolled off I tried again to play Sagbruk for the last 15 minutes or so before it rolled off.


No dice.  Same experience.  Clicked to play Sagbruk, looked for encounter, found server, prepared server, showed splash screen with sawmill, the hints kept rotating on the lower left, and the little wheel of progress kept spinning in the lower right.  Only problem was that waiting for players and player loading screens never showed up.  Just stuck on the splash screen.  It seems that Vigor's servers/cloud/whatever just doesn't like me playing that 3rd set of encounters shown on the upper right of the screen.


At this point, since I've fully uninstalled, reset, and reinstalled on my xbox, and I can play the left and center set of encounters, it seems like this bug/glitch must be somewhere on the vigor server side of things.  Please help so I don't squander my double xp weekend.  Thanks.

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Another day, another failure to play Sagbruk, or any other games on that top right 3rd set of encounters.  Vigor devs, please help.  Thanks.

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Update: Today Sunday April 3 I just finished playing FJ (in the middle set of encounters) during the tranche that ran from 10:50am CDT (US) through 11:35am CDT. I'm playing in the south central US.  As I logged in to start to play (about 10:35am CDT) I noted that Sagbruk was being offered in the top right 3rd set of encounters. 


As this was different to my earlier experience (Sagbruk usually showing up after FJ, not before) I tried to play it.  Same experience as earlier...I selected Sagbruk as my encounter, the search for an encounter began, we waited for a server, the server was being prepared, and then the Sagbruk splash screen was shown.


Same experience...never saw player silhouettes, nothing on players/lobby at all, just the splash screen with sawmill picture and the spinning progress wheel in the lower right. But there was 1 difference.  After about 3 minutes Vigor tossed me completely out of the game.  The spinning progress wheel stopped, and I saw my xbox home screen.  I restarted my xbox, logged back in to Vigor, and noted that my loadout was still intact.


Then I proceeded to play 45 minutes of FJ as usual.  But this time, after FJ finished, I saw that Anniken was in the upper right 3rd set of encounters.  So I selected it and waited to see what happened. 


To my surprise, Anniken player lobby loaded correctly and I was put into the encounter. Luckily I was spawned near an exit so I immediately exited to preserve my experience.


Conclusion: I'm having a specific problem with Sagbruk map (not the 3rd set of encounters).  Vigor devs, please help.  Thanks.

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As of yesterday (last time I tried) still no Sagbruk.  Playing xbox one. Location is south central US in CDT.


I have a busy work schedule so I try to fit my Vigor in where I can.  To do that I rely on the map rotation schedule so that I can fit Vigor into my work breaks accordingly. I can tell you that as far as I know there was no problem before the 2 most recent map rotation changes (going from 1hr to 45min, and rotating the maps shown in the 3rd position).


I am not aware of when Sagbruk might now appear in 1st or 2nd spot.  Or even that it currently di appear in 1st/2nd. I will try and watch for it so I can test. Certainly when Sagbruk was in 1st or 2nd before latest map rotation changes there was no problem.


As far as 3rd position, I have only interest in Sagbruk so that's what I have tried.  I did (mentioned above) successfully play Anniken in the 3rd position last week so there's that.  I will also test more in 3rd spot generally.  Thanks.

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Update...Just tried Kjerstein in 3rd slot when it rotated in at 10:25am CDT.  I successfully spawned and played (ran to exit) so 3rd slot generally seems more successful.  Noted a new remark awaiting spawn "requesting token".  Not sure if new or just hadn't noticed before.  FYI...I am watching for Sagbruk and will test it if possible.

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Further update...In the midst of playing FJ and just returned to shelter from encounter. Noticed Sagbruk was in 3rd slot and tried to play.  Selected Sagbruk at 11:10am CDT and spent 4 minutes in splash screen before being dumped completely out of game back to xbox home page.  Had to reenter vigor.  So it seems it's a single map problem.  FYI.

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I had high hopes that this most recent update might include a fix for my bug.  Unfortunately this was not to be. I still can't play Sagbruk.  Same as it ever was...select map, find & prep server, start to load lobby, but never see players in lobby.  Only see background splash page until completely booted out of Vigor back to xbox home screen.  Please help. 

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