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Find unit in array of vehicles

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I wonder how can I find a unit (player in my case) in array of vehicles. I spent hell of a time on this one and couldn't find a solution. 
Example array of my vehicles: 

 _vehicleList = [MGI802,MGI804,MGI809]

I need to make it return boolean true/false if player is present in any of vehicles above. Vehicles in array can change so I can't hardtype "crew MGI802" and so on. 

My further use for that is to set player's marker alpha depending if he is in a vehicle or not;
(I know this one is propably extremely unoptimised but I wanted to try make vehicle and player markers on my own)

while {true} do 
    // Vehicle Markers
    _vehicleList = [MGI802,MGI804,MGI809,MGI810,MGI814,MGI815,MGI1843,MGI818,MGI823,MGI1504,MGI1507,MGI271,MGI253,MGI1847,MGI386,MGI1612,MGI836,MGI829,MGI1437,MGI835,MGI348,MGI824,MGI365,MGI369];
        _name = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName");
        _vehmark = vehicleVarName _x;

        if (getMarkerType _vehmark == "") then {
            _vehmark = createMarker [_vehmark, getPos _x];
            _vehmark setMarkerType "mil_arrow2";
            _vehmark setMarkerSize [0.4, 0.5];
            _vehmark setMarkerAlpha 1;
        if (alive _x) then {
            if ((count crew _x) > 0) then {
                _crewlist = "";
                    _crewlist = format ["%1%2 | ",_crewlist, (name _x)];
                } forEach crew _x;
                _vehmark setMarkerText ([_name, _crewlist] joinString " | ");
            } else {
                _vehmark setMarkerText _name;
            _vehmark setMarkerColor "colorWEST";
            _vehmark setMarkerDir (getDir _x);
            _vehmark setMarkerPos (getPos _x);
        } else {
            _vehmark setMarkerColor "colorGrey";
            _vehmark setMarkerText ([_name, "(Destroyed)"] joinString " ");
    } forEach _vehicleList;

    // Player Markers
    _playermark = name player;

    if (getMarkerType _playermark == "") then {
        _playermark = createMarker [_playermark, getPos player];
        _playermark setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
        _playermark setMarkerSize [0.5, 0.8];
        _playermark setMarkerAlpha 1;
    if (alive player) then {
        if (true) then {
            _playermark setMarkerText (name player);
            _playermark setMarkerColor "colorWEST";
            _playermark setMarkerDir (getDir player);
            _playermark setMarkerPos (getPos player);
            _playermark setMarkerAlpha 1;
        } else {
            _playermark setMarkerAlpha 0;
    } else {
        _playermark setMarkerColor "colorGrey";
        _playermark setMarkerText ([name player, "(KIA)"] joinString " ");
    sleep 1;


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How about this

if ((vehicle player) in _vehicleList) then {...};


  • Thanks 1

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2 hours ago, _foley said:

How about this

if ((vehicle player) in _vehicleList) then {...};


That simple 😐 However it works as I wanted, thank you!

  • Haha 1

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