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TFAR Interactable Long Range Radio Bacpack Use

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I was posed a question by the CO in my unit the other day. In a mission his RTO went down and he needed to contact command. He asked whether he could somehow use the RTO's LR backpack without having to pick it up. You could say just make him take it off the RTOs body whilst he was getting treated and then give it back but that defeats the point of what he actually wanted. However, after looking for about 4 days for a mod or a script I haven't been able to find one. I would be very grateful if someone knows of a way to interact with it or a mod/script to do so without having to pick up the backpack himself. Someone in the same unit told me they had seen it done in a video by this guy https://www.youtube.com/c/RimmyDownunderGaming/videos but I have scoured through many hours of gameplay and yet to be succesful to find the video and therefore the mod/script which it uses.

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There's a mod on the workshop called, "WWII/2 Phones," which allows people to use the radio on someone's back. Not sure if the guy can do it for regular TFAR but you could give it a look.

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This is one of the best side of ACRE2.
Note that I like both MODs and currently use TFAR 🙂

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