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Aperture of camera

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I have place a camera with camcreate to position

[playerx,playery, playerz+200]

I need to know the aperture of the camera to calculate the left top and bottom right pixel that are visible on the screen in map coordinate.

An idea to know that ?

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The aperture of the camera is usually somewhere past f32. Macro can get blurry, but that's usually due to the texture resolution.

FOV IIRC should be 60 degrees. MAybe 90. Simple trig can measure that. Or just use the FOV camera scripting commands.

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FOV isn't aperture...at least not on real cameras....maybe in computing terms it's different...I don't know. In real life aperture affects the amount of light getting to the film (or chip) and the depth of field, but not field of view....that's what zoom is for. tounge.gif

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Probably, I don't explain me whith good words (I'm french)

With a scheme, it's easier :


I know  height but not Alpha. perhaps Alpha is different in x an in y.

I know the coordinate of the player (in green)

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