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HMCS Titanfall Hud Script Issues (Can't Get Vehicle Detection Working)

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Hey again all
I'm working on a Titanfall hud script (literally just an image of the hud when in an HMCS is the idea), and I'm having issues. 
The main problem is that "if !(player == vehicle player) then {*insert Scripting Here*};" Hasn't been functioning at all for me, the best I've managed is tying the image to an action (opening a watch lmao). I'd post images but I don't use imgur or any such. 
The Vehicle Classes That I want to (but don't need to) specify it only working in are these: 


If anyone has some spare time, finding a way to have the script only trigger in certain vehicles would be nice, but not necessary. 
Any and all help is appreciated. Hope to bundle it into a mod when I get it working. 

Code so far:

h = [] spawn {  
 PICTURE = "TitanHud.paa";  
 with uiNamespace do {  
  TAG_Picture = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1];  
  TAG_Picture ctrlSetPosition [safeZoneX, safezoneY, safeZoneW, safezoneH];  
  TAG_Picture ctrlCommit 0;  
 findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {  
  params ["_control", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];  
  if (_key in (ActionKeys "watch"))  then {  
   (uiNamespace getVariable "TAG_Picture") ctrlSetText (["", PICTURE] select !(currentVisionMode player > 0));  


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