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O2 configuration and setup

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Most of the stuff you see here, will be mostly the same as the BRSSEB tutoirals,

only with a few minor changes and adjustments.

We will cover HOW to setup your O2 configuration, and make it ERROR FREE!

Follow this step by step tutorial to have your O2 program running in no time!

-Download BULLDOZER and O2 from OFPEC!

 (OFPEC has the "correct" download, while most others appear to have errors in them)

Links: OXYGEN- http://www.ofpec.com/publicfiles/files/tools/o2light.zip

      BULLDOZER- http://www.ofpec.com/publicfiles/files/tools/o2_viewer.zip

-Place both ZIP files on your desktop

-Open up drive C:

-Make a new folder called ofpedit

-UNZIP ONLY your o2 viewer files into the ofpedit folder

-open up the ofpedit file you created

-create a new folder inside and name it o2

-UNZIP ONLY your o2light files in the o2 folder

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT OPEN UP ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-open up notepad

-type in SUBST Z: C:\ofpedit

-save as: oxygen_fixer.BAT

-save as type: All Files

-Encoding: ANSI

-Save to your desktop

-Go to desktop, and click the file you made ONCE

-Look for a new drive named Z:

-open it up

-click on o2 folder

-open up o2 light

-click on File, and drag down to options

-Make sure your setup is EXACTLY like this...


BTW: The top says..

-noland -dx -window

in the screenshot




Q: Why wont my textures don't work?

A: Make sure you followed this tutorial step by step,

  and ALWAYS download the files from OFPEC

Q: My textures worked fine, but now they won't anymore, whats wrong?

A: Go back to OPTIONS, and change everything to Z: again

  o2 is known to change back to Drive C: when your CPU

  is logged off, restarted, or shut down

Q: I want to make addons!  Where do I start?

A: All hail the BRSSEB web site here:


Q: My Q&A is not in this list...what do I do now?

A: My MSN is [email protected]

  My AIM is flashpointeditor

you can contact me and we can discuss your problem


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I am also sad to say:

Sometimes Oxygen will not work properly if your files are scattered everywhere...

You will need to UNINSTALL your OFP game, and then

Re-Install it in only ONE directory (C:)

Other programs may interfere with o2, and these files might be un-detectable!

So if you are having problems STILL, your going to hope you don't have many important files on your CPU, because you may need to use your clean-up CD your CPU came with, to completely re-install everything on your CPU

(backup CD)

While this is still a theory, I am almost 80% sure that this is one of the major problems tha some people may have...

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Guest BratZ

Q: My textures look awful in O2,but look good in game

A: Go into Operation Flashpoint game ,max out the details,then copy the flashpoint.cfg to your O2 dir

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