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Moveincargo doesn't work with chain of command?

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I am writing a mission with the latest Chain Of Command. I would use their forum, but I have just registered there and I really don't want to wait a day or two to have this question answered sad.gif

I am using "_x MoveInCargo <whatever truck>" foreach units group <whatever group: ALPHA, BRAVO etc>

A second later, CoC informs me that all of my troops have left the transport! What is going on? AFAIK I am using an up to date command engine.

Thanks for your help

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are you doing this at mission start or during a mission?

At mission start there should be no problem.

During a mission you are simply not supposed to do that because the player is in command of the group. The Command Engine does this to avoid any undefined situations.

There are a few workarounds to your problem, but I would suggest to continue the discussion at CoC (you registration is already processed wink.gif) , as the problem is very specific to the Command Engine.


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