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Whitelisted arsenal script

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Im having a small issue with an addaction script im using. I set up an addaction in my scenario and i also want the arsenal that it brings up to be whitelisted with gear i pick. Whenever i use the addaction i made it give a separate action for the arsenal itself and i dont want this i want it to be executed through the addaction i setup. all the current gear i have in the script right now is just a placeholder.



player addaction ["<t size='1.4' shadow='2' color='#AABEA5'>Armory</t>", "vanillaArsenal.sqf", [], 1, true, true, "","([base] findIf {player distance _x < 50}) > -1"];


arsenal script/vanillaArsenal.sqf:

_availableHeadgear = [

_availableGoggles = [

_availableUniforms = [


_availableVests = [

_availableBackpacks = [

_nvgoggles = [

_gunz = [

_mainattachments = [

_seconattachments = [

_miscshit = [

_magazines = [

//Populate with predefined items and whatever is already in the crate
[player,((backpackCargo player) + _availableBackpacks)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualBackpackCargo;
[player,((itemCargo player) + _availableHeadgear + _availableGoggles + _availableUniforms + _availableVests + _nvgoggles + _mainattachments + _seconattachments + _miscshit)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualItemCargo;
[player,(magazineCargo player + _magazines)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualMagazineCargo;
[player,((weaponCargo player) + _gunz)] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;


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