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Is there a trick to deleting agents created with createAgent? I've spawned some on the map, and then delete them all later using -


{ deleteVehicle agent _x } forEach agents;

They disappear, but they're still marked on the map in Spectator mode -



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Here's another piece of info - these agents are spawned in as "CIV" NPCs. The actual enemy units that are spawned in are cleared with:

{deleteVehicle _x; sleep 0.01;} foreach (allunits select {side _x == opfor});

For the agents, I use:

{ deleteVehicle agent _x } forEach agents;

Units are cleared, agents remain on the map as (in Spectator Mode) as those AI markers.


Perhaps I shouldn't be worried, because those markers don't take up processing power? It seems like they would, as they remain in memory in some way.

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