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playMusic/playSound speed difference

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I've created a custom OGG music track for a mission, but when I define it in CfgMusic and trigger it to play with playMusic, it plays back at what sounds like double speed.


BUT, if I define the track in CfgSounds and use playSound, it plays at the correct speed.


I know that happens occasionally when sample rates are off, but I've followed the Arma guidelines here (Sampling rate of 44.1 kHz is OK). And I don't know why it would be different for playSound/playMusic.


Anyone know what solves this? I could just use playSound, but I'm trying to fade out environment sounds and swell in the music in order to make everyone cry bitter tears of grief at the end of my mission (I believe that fadeEnvironment works with playSound and fadeMusic works with playMusic).




[SOLVE] the music plays at the correct speed if I select the track from the trigger music dropdown, so I'll just do that. I'm still wondering what the problem is with playMusic, though.


[FUN FACT] Using a stereo track played back at half speed. So I went mono.

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