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I am trying to learn how to write these GD scripts...I'm getting ready to pull my hair out.

I'm putting a mission together right now...a beach assault...and what I am trying to do is to get an A-10 perform CAS in support of the mission. I am trying to tie the plane into the mission with a trigger. What I am doing is setting the A10 way out on the map, on the ground with no fuel....when the trigger is hit, I have scripted a setpos of same position + 100m of altitude, and a flyinheight of 100. Before those I also give the A10 a full fuel load(I forget the exact scripting, but the fuel part does work.

I run the mission...hit the trigger....and NOTHING. Plane doesn't even start.....

What am I doing wrong/not doing/ forgetting?confused.gif?

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this action ["engine on"]

should atleast start the engine.. if there's a pilot in the plane wink.gif

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Its not just that tho.....I tried to run a test mission.....placed myself about 100m from the A10...tied the script to a global trigger....and nothing happened. I even tied music to the trigger just to make sure the trigger was being tripped......music played....and the A10 just sat there. Pilot asleep?? LOL

My question now is......nowhere in all the tutorials I have d/l and printed (printer is STILL smokin LOL) is there a listing of actions???

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the comref has alot of action commands, reading it right now.. trying to find how to strip a soldier of his weapon..

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