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hi all, i would like to create a kind of template script to work in MP, i m starting with litle knowledge even in english....


the idea is to use an already working script (it spawn a determinate number of ex. amobox  randomly inside some buildings in a define area)


first i ve got this script to spawn some amobox , it spawn atrigger around each amobox with a marker  this part seems to be ok with some tweaks i think...


// _null = [] execVM "scripts\SPAWN_Boxtriggers.sqf";

// wip script but working!

if (isServer) then {

countboxtrigger = 0;// set boxtriger counting to zero

_chancedispersion   = 0.002; // afect the dispesion on map!
_boxpawned          =     0; // set count to 0
_maxboxspawned      =     6; // max num to spawn

_houseList2 = getmarkerpos "centerzone" nearObjects ["House",1500];

while {_boxpawned <= _maxboxspawned} do {

  if( (random 1) < _chancedispersion) then {
    _c = 0;
    while { format ["%1", _x buildingPos _c] != "[0,0,0]" } do {_c = _c + 1};
    if (_c > 0) then
		  _ranNum = floor(random _c);
		  _cratelist = ["HLC_AK_ammobox","HLC_AK_ammobox"];
          _crateselected = selectRandom _cratelist;
		  _crate = _crateselected createVehicle [0,0,0];
		  _crate setPos (_x buildingPos _ranNum);
          _crate setdir random 360;
		  //[_crate] execVM "scripts\fillcrate.sqf";
		  //[_crate] execVM "scripts\create_crate_triggers.sqf";
		  _newMarker0 = createMarker [format ["marker0b%1", _forEachIndex], getPos _crate];
          _newMarker0 setMarkerShape "ICON";
          _newMarker0 setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
          _newMarker0 setMarkerColor "Colorgreen";
          _newMarker0 setMarkerSize [0.3,0.3];
  _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _crate];
  _trg setTriggerArea [3, 3, 0, false];
  _trg setTriggerActivation ["WEST", "PRESENT", false];//not repeat =false!
  _trg setTriggerStatements["(Player in thislist or Vehicle Player in thislist)","_trx[thisTrigger]execVM'scripts\boxtrigger_activated.sqf';",""]; 
  _trg setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false];
		  _boxpawned = _boxpawned + 1;
    sleep 1;
} forEach _houseList2;


and the other part when the spawned traigger is activated


//_null = [this] execVM "scripts\boxtrigger_activated.sqf";  

if !(isServer) exitWith {};

_amobox1 = _this select 0;

_chanconbox1  = 0;
_chanconbox2  = 0;

// Find the nearest marker to trigger using trigger onActivation code
_nearestMarker = [allMapMarkers, _amobox1] call BIS_fnc_nearestPosition;
deletemarker _nearestMarker;

//waitUntil { not alive _amobox1 };
countboxtrigger     =  countboxtrigger +1  ; //for task otpion WIP!

_text = format ["<t size='0.4'>" + "you found" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='0.5'>" + "a red amobox!" ];  
[_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;
//set music
_typeMusic = [ "LeadTrack04_F","LeadTrack06_F","LeadTrack03_F_EPB"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
playMusic _typeMusic;

hint format ["amos found   %1   /5", countboxtrigger];// debug help 
_m2 = createMarker [format ["mrk%1",random 100000],getpos _amobox1];
_m2 setMarkerShape "ellipse";
_m2 setMarkerSize [5,5];
_m2 setMarkerAlpha 0.6;
_m2 setMarkerColorLocal "Colorgreen";

_m3 = createMarker [format ["mrk%1",random 100000],getpos _amobox1];
_m3 setMarkerShape "ICON";
_m3 setMarkerType "mil_triangle";
_m3 setMarkerColor "Colorblack";;
_m3 setMarkerText format ["%1", countboxtrigger];

if ((random 1) < _chanconbox1) then
                                      /// wip for ex spawn enemis around 

if ((random 1) < _chanconbox2) then
                                      /// wip more stuf to happen ;)

if (daytime >= 20 || daytime < 7) then {
                                        /// wip spawn something only if it s night

// if not enought boxes found

if (countboxtrigger <= 4) exitWith {sleep 5;

sleep 5;
_text = format ["<t size='0.7'>" + "try to found" + "</t>" + "<br />" + "<t size='0.6'>" + "an other one!" ];  
[_text,0.01,0.01,15,-1,0,90]spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;


// if  enought boxes found  SUCESS !
if (countboxtrigger > 4) exitWith {sleep 3;_null = [] execVM "MISSION_OUTRO.sqf";}; 


i need some help to

* finish them  to hend properly for all players the mission by creating   a clean  MISSION_OUTRO.sqf

* show corectly for each players how much boxes are already found (when trigger activated)

* and is it possible to create a mp  task for exemple to show first amobox zone to reah it as a task and after it create task on box 2 up to the max zone to reah   or is it too  hard?



the goal is just to have 2 or 3 smalls scripts to add objective (force groups players to cross around the map)   to play with Vandeason & ravage, for now im making this template on Grozny winter  lov this ambiance too much..


will be happy to share some idea or to get some help..





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