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Need help - helicopter landing gear

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Fixed it, new question: How to move landing gear left or right during/after retracting?

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Well I fixed it, but I don't have any clue what was wrong with it. confused.gif I started from scratch and strangely enough, it works now. So, new question: after the gear has retracted, is there any possible way to make the gear move left or right during/after retraction?

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Ok then, heres another one: how do you get gear doors to function right? Ie, landing gear goes down, door opens and then closes when gear is down.

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That is done by scripts in which the exact following of the animation is written. Look in the dkmm_animations.sqs of our comanche, there you can see some examples.

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So how does this function:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


_chopper vehicleradio "dkmm_emotor"

_chopper animate ["gear_ind",1]

_chopper animate ["turn_gearL",1]

_chopper animate ["turn_gearR",1]

_chopper animate ["retract_rearwheel",1]

@_chopper animationphase "turn_gearR" == 1

_chopper animate ["close_maingearlidR",1]

@_chopper animationphase "turn_gearL" == 1

_chopper animate ["close_maingearlidL",1]



_chopper vehicleradio "dkmm_emotor"

_chopper animate ["close_maingearlidL",0]

_chopper animate ["close_maingearlidR",0]


_chopper animate ["turn_gearL",0]

_chopper animate ["turn_gearR",0]

_chopper animate ["retract_rearwheel",0]

_chopper animate ["gear_ind",0]


<span id='postcolor'>

I've tried the "animationphase" with little success. Do I need a extra animation to trigger the doors so that they will close at a certain point?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I've tried the "animationphase" with little success. Do I need a extra animation to trigger the doors so that they will close at a certain point?<span id='postcolor'>

No there are the @...statements for. The script checks there if a certain point of the animation has allready reached and continues then with the next animation.

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So this line of code:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

@_chopper animationphase "turn_gearL" == 1

<span id='postcolor'>

Would mean that the animation(s) below it would initialize after a second the "turn_gearL" animation is activated?

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No, in config you define angle0 and angle1 of an animation.

@_chopper animationphase "turn_gearL" == 1 means that the animation has to be at angle1 to go ahead in the script.

animationphase "turn_gearL" == 0 (gear is extracted)

animationphase "turn_gearL" == 1 (gear is retracted)

You can check for every value between 0 and 1.

For example:

animationphase "turn_gearL" <= 0.5

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Ah, ok. I figured out what was wrong though - I was using "animate" in my config file rather than executing a script. Now the gear and gear doors function properly (although sometimes hitting "lower gear" and "retract gear" quickly will make the doors function improperly).

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well, to avoid that make the actions only appear if the animation is completed. Can be done over the condition part of user actions.

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