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[Solved] Server won't recognize units of my mod

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Hey guys,
I made a small units pack mod for a mission I've been working on. The units are basically copies of RHS units but with different displayNames. For some reason, my dedicaded server seems to not recognize the units when I create them during the mission and I don't understand why.
Here's what happens: If I use the "typeOf" command for an AI unit in my group locally, it will return the correct class name I set up within my mod. However, if I execute this command on the server, it returns nothing, not even an empty string. This only happens with units of my mod, others will return the correct class names. This leads to a range of problems, e.g. the mission's scripts will not count the number of units in my squad correctly and therefore do things that are not intended.

The mod is signed and installed on all clients and the server.

Here's what the config of my mod looks like:

class CfgPatches
	class OS_unitsPack
class CfgEditorSubcategories
		displayName="Infantry (NAVSPECWARCOM)";
class UniformSlotInfo;
class CfgVehicles
	class rhsusf_airforce_pilot;
	class OS_USAF_loadmaster: rhsusf_airforce_pilot
	class rhsusf_army_ocp_aa;
	class OS_USArmy_AAspecialist: rhsusf_army_ocp_aa
		displayName="AA Specialist";
	class rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman;
	class OS_USArmy_autorifleman: rhsusf_army_ocp_autorifleman
		displayName="Automatic Rifleman";

It goes on and on after that but you get the idea.

I'd say I'm on an average or above level in mission scripting but I don't get the hang of modding. What did I miss here?

Edit: I can also create units of my mod locally but not on the server.

Edited by iSassafras
Problem Solved

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Turns out my mod was written perfectly fine. I had my mod in the Steam workshop as "not listed". This is enough so me and my friends can install it and my server also seems to recognize that there is "something" but it won't install it. Found this out executing the commands getLoadedModsInfo and allAddonsInfo locally and on my server.
So the solution is: Mods need to be public in order to enable servers like mine (4Netplayers) to properly install it from the Steam workshop.

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