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Working on PBO files

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Dear friends,
I am working on a story based multiplayer game server but I run in to some questions. The destroyer is a static boat u can place on the map. I have found out were I have to edit the code to change the screens ‘see pic’. But unfortunately there goes something wrong with the new code I wrote ore the translator application I use to change file format. The ship is a building and there fore a PBO file that file contains multiple files like P3D witch u can’t edit unless u have Lockheed martin programs which are verry expensive but don’t worry we don’t need to use those files. But there are also PAA files witch we can edit easily on photoshop and here it comes the Screens on the boat exist out of a RVMAT file witch u have to translate and the translations this see ‘pic’ in the picture u see there is the texture settings these are set to a basic color. But I would like to redirect them to a PAA file location so it would basically show me what ever I want on the screen. Also this PAA file came with it: See bohemian pic. Can someone contact me so we can figure out this together. If I figure this one out I should be able to figure the air traffic control tower and much more buildings that have pre set screens.
Thx for your help greetings Mr_Path


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