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Alternate Aircraft Weapons Compatiblity

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Good Evening/Night/Morning Everyone,


I have been thinking about trying to add some weapons to other aircraft. By this, I mean that there are weapons on a specific mod that I would like to make compatible with a separate mod (for aircraft). As an ambiguous example, there is a missile on mod X that I would like to make compatible with mod Y. 


I have some coding experience in this game as I have been writing scripts and missions at what I would perceive as an intermediate level, using my knowledge of the C++ language from my computing degree. However, I have not quite grasped the depth of how to make some mods work together. I recognise that I have come to this game somewhat 7 year late, but I am persistent!


My question is; How would I go about making the missile from mod X compatible with mod Y (as stated in the ambiguous example, above)?

I am aware I may have missed a blog/forum post or a useful website. However, the internet is a large place! So, any assistance would be greatly appreciated. 


Kindest Regards,


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