o5_ 7 Posted July 30, 2020 ACC4I - Air Craft Command Control Computers Communications and Intelligence This script/mod brings enhanced situational awareness and targeting capabilities for air Craft (something I feel the game is lacking). + adds an invisible UAV to serve as the targeting pod and laser + Interactive MFD + adds ability to interact with data links in real time + adds ability to interact with sensors in real time + TGP camera can lock to position or follow pilots view + TGP cam has night vision, IR+, and IR- + Adds navigational display + TGP cam and navigational display zoom + adds ability to cycle know targets present on data link and those known to pilot (I doubt the pilot would have knowledge of targets that the sensors don't). I plan to make the latter an option you can disable + while cycling system targets the TGP will lock to the current target, if in range (currently 3km) This is very much a work in progress, but I want to share it as a proof of concept to get feedback for suggestions and help if/where needed. Right now it's a set of scripts (easily hosted on a server and remote executed for clients). When it reaches a stable and near complete state I'll package it as a mod. Controls (editable in game settings > controls > add-on settings) Ctrl+z: toggle TGP cam mode Ctrl+x: ACC4I action menu Ctrl+c: MFD interaction Ctrl+v: TGP/nav zoom out Ctrl+b: TGP/nav zoom in Ctrl+n: arm/disarm TGP laser When you climb in a Air Craft you have to initialize ACC4I with Ctrl+x *download mission template with scripts* 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites