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Command menu - custom

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I've see in the Command menu an item call "Custom". Can we create our owns command menu here ? like the radio but with a hierarchy ?

Thx for response

sorry for me poor english, I'm french, so ...

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Hi MaxPower

Do you mean the action menu?

The Command Engine uses the Radio to create a full strategic command interface for controling multiple squads. It also has an action menu for controling up to 5 Squads in your current platoon.

Click my sig to see more.

From your post though I think you mean something else and your post intrigues me.

Kind Regards walker

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Thx for you response but i don't talk about Action menu.

In my Command menu, I have :

0 - reponse => 9 - personalisation.

It should be 0 - response => 9 - custom in english

But the commande 0 - 9 is always disabled. I know, i don't finish Red Hammer and i don't still begin the resistance's campaign.

but perhaps custom menu allow to create a hierarchy menu ?

If i want create a menu :

item 1

=> subitem 1

=> subitem 2

item 2

=> subitem 3

=> subitem 4

With radio menu, if i would select subitem 3, i must do

0 - 0 - 2 and then 0 - 0 - 1.

If i can customize the command menu, i will do only :

0 - 9 - 2 - 1

Else i don't what is the use of Response => Custom item !

The problem with the radio menu

Thx again for reply

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Walker, I don't talk about radio menu (0-0) but custom menu (0-9) even if CoC mission is great and I should learn a lot of tricks.

I knows how works  radio menu and how customize it.

anybody knows about custom menu (0-9) ?

I'm the only one man that have this in my command menu ?

What is the use of it ? it is still disable !!!

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