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Mp editing - making things more equal

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Hi all,

I've been making MP maps for a while now, and playing them most every weekend, and tweaking as we go along to improve them. However, one of the biggest problems I've run into is making things as fair as possible for each side.

There are two problems that I've run into.

1) The Mi-24 AT6s appear to be crippled for hitting when compared with the AH-1 or AH-64 homing missiles. I've done some tests, and at visual ranges, the AT6s don't work properly.

2) Tanks. The West has the best and worst tanks (M1A1 and M60 respectively) and the East has the middle two tanks (in terms of quality).

After many games, the only solution seems to be to give each side the same tanks (I haven't decided about the choppers yet, because its sort of balanced by the many more rockets that the East choppers have.)

My problem is that if you give the West T72s, they show up as red for the West team. Is there a way to change the side of *EMPTY* T72s to West so that doesn't happen?

Oh, I'm using OFP, not Resistance, because there are simply not enough people playing Resistance online to make it worthwhile, so making Resistance friendly and then given West T72(Res) isn't a solution.


Dr. Charm

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