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Some questions

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Got some questions here for some stuff i need for my campain.

1. How do i delay a trigger for 2 minutes, so it doesent kick in before 2 minutes in the game?

2. How do imake a trigger that ends the game after 10 minutes.

3. Is it possible to get all russian forces on the map to flee to a marker if they have little forces left.

Affter 10 minutes all Us And Russian forces are counted and if russians have for eksample 25% or more less than us, i want all of them to flee to a marker away from the battlefield.

4. Any idea where i can get in contact with someone that can make speech for my campain?

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1. Set your settings for the trigger what you want and set the 'countdown' to 120 (in all the 3 boxes).

2. Put the Activation to 'Anybody' and set the countdown to 600. Then put the 'type' on 'End#1'.

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